ADHD and Psychological Assessment

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is also called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Though it is not a learning disability, it does impact your child’s ability to learn. Symptoms for ADHD include the inability to remain still for even short periods of time, inability to focus, easily distracted, etc. Just because your child shows these signs, does not mean they necessarily have ADHD.

At Heritage Behavioral Health Consultants, our therapists are certified and licensed to perform ADHD assessments. Our ADHD evaluations are a comprehensive variety of tests including in-office evaluation, parent reports, and even teacher input. If we diagnose your child with ADHD, we are able to assist you in creating and implementing a plan that best suits the needs of the individual child.

Additionally, Heritage Behavioral Health Consultants offers a variety of psychological, behavioral, and intelligence assessments.

  • ADHD Evaluations: comprehensive variety of assessments including in-office evaluation, parent reports, and teacher input, Approximately 2 hours

  • Intelligence Assessment: provides information about strengths and weakness in relation to thinking and learning, Approximately 6 hours (3 hours/two test days)

  • Achievement Assessment: evaluates a person's abilities in specific academic areas (comparing achievement and intelligence measures can help detect learning differences), Approximately 6 hours (3 hours/two test days)

  • Personality Assessment: evaluates psychological functioning, interpersonal style and/or symptoms that can be improved upon with counseling and education

  • Full Psycho-Educational and Full Psychological Assessment Battery: packages include a combination of Intelligence, Achievement, and Personality assessments, Approximately 6 hours (3 hours/2 test days)

  • The Birkman Method: The Birkman is a multi-faceted personality assessment that provides a unique and in-depth look into either the individual or the relationships among two or more persons. It is especially helpful for marriage and premarital counseling, career counseling (suitable for adults and older teens), life coaching, and team building within an organization. It is can be used in conjunction with other methods of counseling or on its own to determine career focus or to enhance self-understanding, Duration 45 minutes (online assessment plus 2 in-person appointments for evaluation and review)