Professional and Life Coaching

Coaching is not the same as counseling or therapy. A Professional Life Coach most often works with clients who are doing just fine on their own, but want more out of life. Coaching is more than consulting, in that the Coach will not only help you identify and set goals, but will work as your partner to make sure you reach them. At Heritage, our Coaches are able to help their clients focus more intently and to remain focused in order to produce better results, achieve those results faster, and help the client exceed their goals.

No matter where you are in life, there is always a desire for more—more success, more money, closer relationships, and a deeper feeling of meaning in life. It is the nature of people to want more, be more, become more, but we all struggle with how to get what we're looking for. Many people believe that hard work and sacrifice are the only way to achieve success, money or happiness in life. Sadly, they often sacrifice one for another. The price they pay is often poor health, not having enough time to enjoy life and strained family relationships. The Professional Coach helps you avoid that trap by discovering your real needs and helping you work effectively toward your ultimate goals and dreams.

A Coach is not a miracle worker, but a Coach does have the skills and experience to help your dreams become reality. Why does coaching work? It's simple. The energy between Coach and client creates momentum. Concrete goals are set that naturally pull the client along rather than the client having to constantly push himself toward an abstract goal. The client develops new skills, and these skills translate into more successes both professionally and personally.