Building (and rebuilding) Balance

Balance in our lives is NOT a destination, meaning that once we arrive, we are done. It is not a static goal we achieve and then maintain forever.


I like to call it “building” balance; as opposed to “achieving”: balance – because like building a house, it is a work in progress, it requires maintenance, and occasionally needs reworking. So how do we “build” this elusive thing called balance?


  1. Stay Present. Live in the moment instead of fretting about yesterday or worrying about tomorrow. If you feel angry about something – feel the anger and work through it. When you feel joyful about something, embrace the joy fully.

  2. Stop the “Spinning”. Learn to recognize and manage your internal conflicts. (Anything that disturbs your inner peace, such as unnecessary guilt, excessive worry, unhealthy people pleasing, etc.). Be honest about who you really are and don’t be afraid to stray from the norm. Live life according to your core beliefs.

  3. Simplify Your Life. The more “stuff” we have and the more activities we have to manage, makes it more difficult to find just the right balance. Learn to set appropriate and healthy boundaries for yourself. This means allowing yourself to say “no” when necessary without feeling guilty!

  4. Know What You Want. Take time to know WHO you are first. Figure out what you value, by examining each aspect of your “self”. Make active choices that lead you toward balance. If your choices don’t line up with who you are and what you value, then you are not holding fast to your own integrity and your life will feel out of balance.

  5. Nurture Your Spirit and Embrace Love. We all have a spiritual element to our being and with that comes an innate need to love and be loved. With all the ups and downs in life, love is the gift that balances it all and brings us back toward a more peaceful state. Exercise your faith. Enjoy nature. Keep your soul filled with positive and inspiring activities. Be brave enough to let go of activities and relationships that squelch your spirit and prevent you from being your authentic self. It is then we will be able to give generously to ourselves.


Balance is a fluid state that changes from day to day. Just like the ocean tide moves in and out, look at whether your life is moving away from or toward balance.


Assess it over a period of time – one or two stressful days here and there does not mean your life is out of balance. BUT, if chaos is the norm for you, try some of these ideas!


Hopefully, it will be a good “jumpstart” toward building better balance in your life.


The Freedom of Authentic Living


Behavior Therapy 101: How to achieve positive behavioral changes with your children.